1.Episod,And so it Begains. 7 kids are at summer camp,Theres Tai,Taichi,Matt,Yamatto,Sora,Sora,Izzy,Izzumi,T.K,Takaru, Joe,Jou And Mimi,Meme. Tai is a pretty laid back kid.I think sleeping up in a tree saying that he's multipliing counts as laid back!Matt is a cool dude always with the Smart mouth.Always ready with a joke.Sora is Tai's friend she's nice fun and I think she has a little bit of an attude.Izzy is a computer nerd but not as nerdy he's very smart and does very well in shcool.T.k is Matt's little brother sweet kind and I think he likes Mimi a bit.Joe is the Nerd of all nerds! He's alergic to Every Thing! And Mimi The Princess of Pink! To much pink is bad for you!Wieny rude some times selfish but a good person. And complans endlesy.Any way, Tai's up in a tree snozzing when poof!Its snowing in the middle of July! (Nasty)! Tai and evey body else runs into the little Cottege thing.After a while it stops snowing and every one except Izzy he's at hes computer as useul even joe's out side! Then Izzy comes out and the sky is like it exsploded and little objects and get transported to the digital world! and meet up with Digimon, Digital Monsters! Sudenly a big flying bud named Kuwagumon.Trys to kill every body and fails then all the digimon digivovle and KICK Kuwagumon's BUTT! Click here to get to a cool digimon site! |