Hiya!This is another page I made up for some thing I did bad like not update.Ooops shouldn't have said that.Any way here you can learn about what digistuff to look for in Wal*Mart(My favorite)K mart KB toys Malls cd stores and more! Digimon cloths mostly shirts and shoes you can find these at Wal*Mart or K-mart.I found the shoes in Wal*Mart and the shirts in K-mart Digimon trading cards and Battleling cards you can find these at KB toys and any other toy store Digimon toys you can find these at toy store or Wal*mart! Digimon Plushes!!You can find them at wal*mart or toy store But there's Digi's missing!They are missing tentomon.What a shock!Hee hee get it?tentomon has elictro shocker.*Hears crickets* Ok may be you don't think it's funny Digimon Back packs I have no Idea were you can find these.I'm just gonna say Wal*Mart!Yeh Wal*Mart! Digimon lunch boxs Again supper wal*Mart! Digimon Cd!I think it's coming out on October 6 or some thing(I hope it's coming out in Wal*Mart) Ok when there's more I'll let you know,Untill then go eat a cookie! |