Agumon Armadimon Armadillomon Angemon Angewomon Apocalymon Bakemon Birdramon Biyomon Botamon Bukamon Chibimon Chuumon DemiDevimon Deramon Devimon Digmon Etemon Fladramon Flamedramon Floramon Gabumon Garudamon Garurumon Gardromon Gatomon Gazimon Gennai Gomamon Greymon Halsemon Hawkmon Holsmon HolyAngemon Ikkakumon Kabuterimon Koromon Kuwagamon Lillymon Leomon Machinedramon MagnaAngemon MegaKabuterimon MegaSeadramon Mekanorimon MetalEtemon MetalGarurumon MetalGreymon MetalSeadramon Motimon Myotismon Nefretimon Nyaromon Nyokimon Ogremon Pabumon Palmon Parrotmon Patamon Pegasmon Piedmon Piximon Piyomon Poromon Poyomon Puppetmon Raidramon RedVegiemon SaberLeomon Salamon Seadramon Shurimon SkullGreymon Submarimon Sukamon Tailmon Tanemon Tentomon Togemon Tokomon Tsunomon Upamon Veemon Vandemon Veemon Vegiemon VenomMyotismon VenomVandemon WarGreymon WereGarurumon Whamon Wizardmon Woodmon Wormmon Yocomon Yuramon Zudomon Holy digi sluge that was hard.Now I gotta put the stages on them...UGHSee how hard I'm working?! And last but not least and not in the list up there couse it's supper cool is my freinds Digimon she made up,Pennmon!!!Yeh!Ok there ya go Sarah!Bye!!